Rep. Wehrli: General Assembly Passes Bi-Partisan Emergency Funding Plan for Higher Education

Statement of State Representative Grant Wehrli on Passage of Senate Bill 2059 as amended:

“After a ten month stalemate and a week of game-playing by the Speaker, today we saw a ray of hope. Sincere, bi-partisan efforts by rank-and-file members have yielded an agreement that will give universities, community colleges and our students that depend on MAP grants some breathing room. The $600 million in emergency funding will come out of the Educational Assistance Fund. The money is there, and the Governor has agreed to sign the allocation when it reaches his desk. This is proof that we can find solutions when we work together. Now, let’s get that spirit of bi-partisan cooperation working on a full year, responsible budget,” said State Representative Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville).

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