Rep. Wehrli: Auditor General Mautino Needs to Remember He Answers to the General Assembly, Taxpayers

Statement of State Representative Grant Wehrli on Auditor General Frank Mautino responding to lawmakers’ third demand for answers to longstanding finance and ethics questions with yet another delay:
“A week and a half ago more than 20 members of the House and Senate  sent Auditor General Mautino a third letter demanding answers to serious inquiries about questionable campaign expenses and reporting practices, and for the third time he refused to answer and responded with another excuse for delay-the latest delay excuse is the State Board of Elections Hearing.
Auditor General Mautino needs to recognize that this is not just a State Board of Elections matter. These are serious ethical and possibly criminal questions that go to the very core of his fitness and ability to do his job safeguarding taxpayer dollars. The Auditor General also needs to recognize that he answers to the General Assembly and the taxpayers we represent; and we are out of patience,” said Representative Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville).

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