Rep. Wehrli's Special Needs Advisory Group meets with Governor's Staff

 Members of Governor Rauner's staff met in Naperville this week with Rep. Grant Wehrli and members of his Special Needs Advisory Committee to discuss  ideas to improve funding and services to our most vulnerable populations.

" I would like to take a moment to extend my gratitude to everyone who attended  today’s very informative and constructive meeting on behalf of the developmentally and intellectually disabled in our community and throughout the State of Illinois," Rep. Wehrli said. "It is with that dialogue we find both short and long term solutions for a system that frankly is not serving this segment of the population well.  We have made a great first step today and I am committed as is Rep. Patti Bellock to assisting when and where we can with legislative remedies as well as working in a bipartisan way to solve our budget crisis.

In the meantime, those  that represent the departments administering policy and procedures
responsible for the oversight of state services heard many solutions that address bureaucratic inequities for which we can begin rectifying and insure that  we are providing the best service possible."

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