Rep. Wehrli Renews Focus on Budget, Jobs for New General Assembly

Surrounded by family and friends, State Representative Grant Wehrli Wednesday  took the oath of office to continue representing the 41st House district in the 100th General Assembly. Rep. Wehrli (R-Naperville) pledged during the next two years to continue his focus on passing a balanced, responsible state budget that protects taxpayers and on creating new and better job opportunities for Illinois families.

“These are the main ingredients to getting our budget and our economy back on track. In the previous General Assembly, one man, House Speaker Michael Madigan, stood in the way of compromise.  This week we have a new General Assembly and a chance to focus anew on working together on responsible, compromise solutions,” Rep. Wehrli said.

In his first two years in the Illinois House, Rep. Wehrli sponsored legislation to expand property tax relief for families, seniors and the disabled, and also legislation to curb public pension abuse and to reform our costly worker’s compensation system that drives employers out of Illinois.

“Despite what Speaker Madigan may believe, we cannot continue down the disastrous path of spending money we don’t have, and driving employers and families out of Illinois,” Rep. Wehrli said. “Getting Illinois back on firm financial ground is going to take serious fiscal discipline, and that will continue to be my focus for the new 100th General Assembly.”

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