Rep. Wehrli: State Board of Elections Vote Confirms Illinois Democrats Refuse to Stand up to Corruption

Statement of State Rep. Grant Wehrli on today’s State Board of Elections Vote:

“Today, the State Board of Elections voted to fine Auditor General Mautino $5,000, and then, on a four to four party line vote, decided to not forward their findings or information to the Attorney General or local States Attorneys for further investigation.  This ruling truly shows the Board to be nothing but a paper tiger…and today, it was a wet paper tiger,” said Representative Wehrli (R-Naperville).

“Through the course of this investigation it became clear that Frank Mautino walked into the Spring Valley Bank, cashed campaign checks totaling more than $69,000 over a two-year period, and walked out with cash in hand. No records were kept to account for where all of that cash went,” Wehrli stressed. “The partisan nature of this Board vote confirms that Democrats in Illinois refuse to stand up to corruption. Now is the time for Attorney General Lisa Madigan to finally take a firm stand against political corruption in Illinois and launch an investigation into this matter.”

Rep. Wehrli is the chief sponsor of House Joint Resolution 9 which would remove Auditor General Mautino from office. House Democrats have stalled the resolution in the House Rules Committee.

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