Attorney General's Attempted Budget Intervention "Throws Gasoline on the Fire"

Statement of Rep. Wehrli on Attorney General Lisa Madigan's Attempt to Block State Employees' Pay for the Remainder of the Budget Stalemate:

“Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s attempt to intervene in and influence the ongoing budget negotiations by blocking state employees’ pay does nothing to help us reach a resolution…in fact, it only throws gasoline on the fire. Halting employees’ pay will not move us closer to a solution. It just turns uncertainly into a full-blown, immediate financial crisis for tens of thousands of families throughout the state.
Since she’s basing her argument for this budget intervention on the State Constitution, I would also like to know why she has stood by silently for her entire tenure as Attorney General while previous General Assemblies and Governors have passed unbalanced budget after unbalanced budget in direct violation of that same Constitution.”

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